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Amanda and Her Healing Journey with Reiki

Your healing journey with Reiki begins with an experienced Reiki Master like me, who fundamentally lives and breathes Reiki.

My name is Amanda and this is my journey to date, (July 2024).

Amanda Norman of Gemstone, Tarot and Healing
Amanda's Healing Journey of Reiki

My troubles with General Anxiety Disorder forced me to examine my job, my lifestyle, and my well-being.

Reiki is My Foundation

They say that Reiki finds you when you need it most, and this is especially true in my case.

However, let me begin by telling you that I don’t think that my words on this page will express just how lost I was feeling! Although I had lots of support from people around me, I was lonely and vulnerable. I was simply existing!

Thankfully, I found Reiki and it became my foundation of self-care. Without it, you wouldn’t be reading this now. 

As a result of incorporating Reiki into every day, I’m a new person. 

I’m proud to tell you that I successfully run my own Reiki business.

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I did my Reiki level 1 course last weekend with Amanda and I couldn't recommend her more. She made me feel comfortable as soon as I walked in the door and created a relaxing environment to learn in her lovely home. She explained everything clearly and answered any of my questions from the moment I enquired about the course and ongoing (as she has offered to answer any of my questions as I do my cleanse and onwards). Thanks Amanda :D!!!
Catherine Kelly
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Amanda is An amazing Reki Master and teacher . She is so welcoming and such a lovely person . Amanda really teaches you the Miako Usui way of Reiki in her teaching. I only yesterday received my Reiki level 2 Attunment from Amanda and it was a wonderful experience but also very informative. I would highly recommend Amanda if you wish to receive Reiki or wanted to be attuned in the Usui form of Reiki So sorry to hear of the closure in the market but one door closes another will open Amanda so I wish you all the luck and guidance for your future, see you soon 🙏🦋✨✨✨✨✨🌈cathy.
Alec & Ely
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Absolutely amazing! We can’t wait to do Reiki 2! Amanda is an incredible teacher and we hope to go through full Reiki attunement with her. Amanda really knows her stuff and I would highly recommend her to anyone for Reiki treatment and training.

Becoming My Authentic Self

Reiki flows effortlessly through everything I do. Furthermore, I get to see how my passion and healing energy changes other peoples lives. 

I choose Reiki because I know first hand the love and transformation it brings. Thankfully, I gave up my career of Health and Safety to assist others with healing. I do this full time and trust me when I tell you that I live and breathe Reiki.

Reiki is a beautiful gift of healing energy that can fill you full of unconditional love. A feeling of oneness that is wondefully all encompassing and most of all, peaceful.

I want YOU to also experience the peace and happiness that you are worthy of. 

Below you will find my timeline showing you my journey of healing with Reiki. If you would like something similar, please get in touch.

Amanda's Journey of Healing with Reiki

My journey of healing with Reiki begins in August 2018. Before Reiki, I was practicing mindfulness and meditation, which yielded some positive results.

Of course, it was early days since my break down in 2017.

Lots of stress, trauma from since I was a child, career burnout, a lack of self-love, erupted in my anxiety melt down. Sadly, I was on the verge of giving up and becoming a recluse. Also, I could see how I was inadvertently hurting my loved ones and I thought it would be easier to be on my own. 

General Anxiety Disorder was the label given and I was at rock bottom. 

Thankfully, my higher-self screamed from deep within to ‘get a grip as I am better than this‘!

There was a deep yearning within to reconnect with life, to find happiness and fulfilment. Looking back, I now know that I was in survival mode and each day was a challenge to live!

My Path to Reiki

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, (CBT) was my first method of healing. As a result, I now observe and recognise when fear can be holding me back in life. Therefore, I now successfully challenge any feelings of fear.

Going against your flow, your calling, only brings dis-ease as you struggle more with life. There is a saying that, ‘your body reflects your mind‘, and for good reason.

Reiki teaches you the importance of balance and bringing harmony to your mind, body, and soul. 

More importantly, self-Reiki is easy to do!

Following my diagnosis of anxiety, I began learning and practicing the art of mindfulness meditation. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough to keep me balanced resulting in little escape from the tormenting, internal chitter chattter.

However, I wasn’t going to give up and I see it today as one of the key aspects in my recovery. I still use it, but on its own and at that time in my life, it wasn’t enough.

Additionally, I always knew that something else was missing. Therefore, I decided to return to two of my first loves to assist me with my self-therapy. Reading the Tarot and crystal healing. I enjoy making gemstone healing bracelets to assist people with their emotional well-being. Thanks to my knowledge of Reiki, I also incorporate the healing energy into them.

More importantly, I was also listening and not dismissing my intuition of changing career.

Following My Calling

Going against your flow, your calling, only brings dis-ease as you struggle more with life. Of course, changing career is a frightening aspect and we must begin using reason and logic.

So many of my clients today struggle with following their calling. I fully resonate with each and every one of them.

Thankfully, I went with the flow and began thinking about a career as a crystal healer, and a tarot reader.

Why shouldn’t I become my authentic self?

At that time, I could not find a crystal course to attend however, my partner, Mark, suggested a Reiki course as it would compliment my other practices. Although I had vaguely heard of Reiki, I had zero experience. My intuition was strong to pursue it.

I must say that completing my journey of Reiki training, is to date, one of the best decisions I have ever made!

Healing with Reiki

Since I found Reiki in 2018, I manifest change with a lot of ease. I follow my intuition and I most certainly don’t allow irrational fear to hold me back.

Today, I am my authentic self, doing and loving my self-employed career as a holistic therapist. I am wonderfully happy!

Wait, I’m wonderfully happy?

I found Reiki and it became my foundation of self-care.

On the whole yes I am wonderfully happy however, life is not perfect!

Inner healing and incorporating the practice of Reiki allows me to remain stable in an ever changing world around us.

Love, peace and happiness is truly within us all. Reiki reconnects you with your soul, and your path to finding and experiencing ‘egoless‘, which brings many benefits.

Healing your inner self is the first aspect of Reiki after all, you cannot give from an empty cup right?

Concluding My Journey of Healing with Reiki

You are the foundation of everything you achieve and want to fulfil in life. Incorporating the practice of Reiki strengthens your foundation. Also, your journey of healing doesn’t end if you arrive at master/teacher status. This is just the beginning of mastering Reiki.

My journey continues bringing me feelings of love, contentment and excitement. Through my work, I continue my healing journey because understanding energy flow is vital. Thankfully, we learn this in Reiki Degree One.

With Reiki, I have removed many of my blockages that were preventing me from finding myself and therefore happiness. Furthermore, I continue to grow!

Back in 2017, I was existing to survive. Now, thanks to Reiki, I have achieved the following: –

  • I am my own boss
  • Me and Mark got married
  • We have moved from social housing to a beautiful three bedroomed home, with a stunning large garden
  • My health continues to improve
  • Everyday, I see and feel the magic of the Universe
  • Challenges and obstacles are managed well. They assist my growth!

What is a Reiki attunement?

Some people refer to a Reiki attunement as an initiation into Reiki.

It is a sacred ritual whereby you undergo a process of becoming attuned to the vibration of Reiki. This process has an advantage of clearing out stagnant energy to allow you to channel Reiki. Only a Reiki Master can perform one.

Today, we see many styles of Reiki being taught across the world. It is important that you choose a style of Reiki to suit you. Equally important is your investment in your Reiki Master.

What is Usui Reiki Training?

Mikao Usui is the founder of Reiki and sometimes referred to as the father of Reiki.

All Usui Reiki Masters can show you their Reiki lineage that will show Mikao Usui at the top.

Just like me, you too will learn Usui Reiki and therefore be keeping the traditional roots of Reiki alive.

UK Reiki Federation

There are many Reiki organisations that are created to ensure his original teachings are not lost. I am a member of the UK Reiki Federation and I agree to upholding the UK Reiki Council’s code of practice. This ensures that you will also receive a high standard of Usui training.



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